
'Enhancing Entertainment' is one of 南宫ng·28's core goals and this extends above and beyond the making of exceptional electronics products. As such, 南宫ng·28 partners with sports and cultural organisations with complimentary values in delivering outstanding entertainment

Melbourne Cup Carnival

南宫ng·28 are an Official Partner of the Melbourne Cup Carnival and the supplier of televisions for the exceptional viewing pleasure of all racecourse visitors.

南宫ng·28 Sponsorships

Melbourne Victory Football Club Melbourne Victory Football Club

Melbourne Victory Football Club

南宫ng·28 are both Major Partners and the official TV suppliers to Melbourne Victory FC, one of Melbourne's most popular and successful football clubs.

南宫ng·28 Chinese Theatre

南宫ng·28 Chinese Theatre

The Chinese Theatre is famous for its long history of Hollywood celebrities and movie studio premieres. 南宫ng·28 are proud to continue the naming rights of this iconic landmark.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show

The Ellen DeGeneres Show

南宫ng·28 are again delighted to work with the award-winning Ellen DeGeneres Show to create the exciting giveaways and promotions that form such great entertainment.

CES - Consumer Electronics Show

CES is the ideal Launchpad for exciting new products and feature innovations. 南宫ng·28 are thrilled to be major exhibitors and members of this flourishing industry.