

    南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme

    Terms and Conditions of Use




    1. Overview


    1.1 These Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”) govern your enrolment and participation of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (“南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme”) provided by Shenzhen 南宫ng·28 New Technology Co., Limited (“南宫ng·28”, “our”, “we” or “us”). For participation of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, you (“USER/S”) shall fulfil eligibility criteria under these Terms without fail. 南宫ng·28 shall not be liable or responsible for any misrepresentation.. By using 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme that you are agreed and accepted the Terms and legally binding contract between you (“User“) and 南宫ng·28, if you don’t agree with them, then don’t accept the Terms and Conditions.  These Terms are a contract between you and 南宫ng·28. You should read these Terms carefully and should not sign up for or participate in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (or should stop using 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme if you have already started using it) if you do not agree to these Terms.


    (A) If you are located in France, Germany or Indonesia: By clicking “Agree”, completing your enrolment and participating in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (and clicking “Agree” and continuing to use the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme after a change to any relevant terms), you confirm that you have carefully read, fully understood and consented to each provision of these Terms, particularly those provisions that restrict or exempt liabilities, and other agreements referred to in these Terms below.


    (B) For all other users: By completing your enrolment and participating in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, and continuing to use the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme after a change to any relevant terms, you confirm that you have carefully read, fully understood and consented to each provision of these Terms, particularly those provisions that restrict or exempt liabilities, and other agreements referred to in these Terms below.


    1.2 南宫ng·28 reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time without prior notice. Such modifications and additional terms and conditions will be communicated to you and will be effective immediately upon your acceptance of them. If you do not agree to such modified Terms, you must cease using the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme.


    If you are located in Germany: We will notify you of such modifications and additional terms and conditions by email. You will have two months to object against such modified Terms in writing, by mail, fax or email. If you do not explicitly object within such two-month period, you will be deemed to have accepted the modifications. (We will remind you again of such deemed acceptance in our email notice.) Modifications to these Terms will apply from the time specified in the email notice or, if not specified, from the end of the two-month period following the date of the email notice. If you object to the modifications, you will be deemed to have terminated these Terms.


    1.3 Personal information which we collect or that we otherwise obtain in connection with your use of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


    1.4 There may be other products and services offered by 南宫ng·28 which are associated with the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme features and functionalities, including but not limited to the 南宫ng·28 Account (of which the terms and conditions can be found here: 南宫ng·28 Account Terms and Conditions.


    2.  Eligibility and Participation in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme


    2.1 You must satisfy the age requirement and soundness of mind requirement for full legal capacity as required/governed by the laws of  your respective jurisdiction. If you do not meet the above requirements, your legal guardian must provide consent to your use of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme. If you are located in the United States, you must be age 13 or above to participate in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme.


    2.2 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is a membership reward programme sponsored by 南宫ng·28 through which you may upgrade your membership level and redeem membership benefits by completing relevant tasks. You must have a 南宫ng·28 Account in order to participate in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme. If you do not have a 南宫ng·28 Account, visit 南宫ng·28 Account sign-up page and follow the links and instructions to create an account. Subject to clause 2.3 and 2.4 below, signing up for and participation in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is free of charge and all members will have full access to the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme membership centre and relevant webpages.


    2.3 To provide more exciting benefits to our valued members, 南宫ng·28 may update or modify the rewarding system and specific content and rules of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme from time to time and we reserve the right to charge for certain products and services in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme and to adjust the prices (and applicable taxes, as required by applicable law) from time to time. We will give you an intimation notification to review these changes. You may select not to continue to receive certain products and services if you disagree with such price changes. All applicable prices and payments are in the local currency of the country in which you are based.


    2.4 We may update, remove or change features and functionalities of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme from time to time. The availability and enjoyment of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme may depend on your 南宫ng·28 device and the operating system you use meeting the system and compatibility requirements that we establish from time to time, the region you are located in or the requirement of applicable law from time to time. To use 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme and associated services, you may need compatible hardware and software (and from time to time, this may require you to download and install the latest versions of such software). Internet connectivity is also required.


    2.5 We might engage third party partners to provide internet-based products and services independently under their own brands, which will be accessible through the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme. These third party products and services remain subject to terms and conditions of the provider, may vary in different regions, and shall be provided in form and content at the sole discretion of the provider.


    2.6 We may subcontract any part of our operation and services in connection with the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme to our chosen service providers or another one of our subsidiaries or affiliated legal entities at our sole discretion.


    2.7 Your membership may get level up once you finish our membership growth tasks and earn enough points. For detailed rules on membership level, please refer to 南宫ng·28 VIP Club rules.


    2.8 In addition, you may get 南宫ng·28 Coins when participating in 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme. For detailed rules on how you may earn and redeem your 南宫ng·28 Coins within 90 days or before it expires, please refer to 南宫ng·28 Coins Terms and Conditions.


    3. Your Representations, Warranties and Undertakings


    3.1 You represent, warrant and undertake that:


    (A) your enrolment and participation in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme are and will be for personal, private and non-commercial purposes only;


    (B) you will not, and will not aid or assist any person to, enrol in or use any functionalities of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme for any commercial, unlawful or illegal purpose;


    (C) you will at all times, in connection with  enrolment and use of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, according to your territorial or local jurisdiction of all applicable laws, regulations, policies and other requirements prescribed by any applicable regulatory authority or law enforcement body;


    (D) all information (including personal data) that you provide to us is true, accurate and complete at the time provided, and you will promptly notify us in the event of any change to such information. We will not be responsible for any loss suffered from you being unable to participate in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme or enjoy any membership benefit, product or service dependent on you having certain verified details on your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme membership, if it is caused by you providing incorrect, incomplete, or false information to us. Without limiting anything in this clause, you must not impersonate or misrepresent yourself as another person and we reserve the right to reject, block or deactivate the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme membership of a 南宫ng·28 Account which is suspected to be an impersonation, misrepresentation or misappropriation of another person’s name or identity.


    3.2 Do not reveal your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme log-in credentials to anyone else. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme log-in and password (for example, by regularly changing your password). In the event that your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme credentials are lost, stolen or you find someone else using your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme account without your consent, you must notify us as soon as possible through our email 南宫ng·28homecs@jxhssl.com, to mitigate any loss, avoid any potential violation of applicable laws and regulations and to retrieve your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme account and password.


    4. Intellectual Property


    4.1 For the purposes of these Terms, “intellectual property rights” means copyright, trademarks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind whether registered or unregistered (anywhere in the world).


    4.2 With respect to all information or content you publish or upload using the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, you warrant that you are the owner (right holder) or have obtained legal authorisation and that your publication or upload will not infringe the legitimate rights or interests of any third party. In the event that any third party raises any objection to the abovementioned information or content, we reserve the right to delete the relevant information or content and the right to take corresponding legal action against you. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you shall pay full compensation for any losses thus caused to us or any third party.


    4.3 南宫ng·28 reserves all intellectual property rights in or relating to the webpage design, logo, picture, layout and any other form of contents in relation to the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme.


    5. Data Protection and Privacy


    5.1 Your personal information will be collected, stored and processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws. If you do not wish to provide certain personal information to us, you may not be able to enjoy the full range of features and benefits of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme. Please ensure that you read our Privacy Policy to learn about what personal information we collect, how we handle it and for what purposes we use it.


    5.2 Without limiting clause 5.1, we may collect information about your use of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme to help us analyse and improve our products and services. We will do so in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws.


    6. Disclaimer


    6.1 You acknowledge and agree that 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is provided to you on an “as is, as available” basis.


    6.2 To the full extent permissible by applicable law, 南宫ng·28 and its partners, suppliers, and affiliates:


    (A) disclaim, and do not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme or any information made available by or through the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, title, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement;


    (B) do not warrant that use of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme will be uninterrupted, available at any time or from any particular location, secure or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is free of viruses or other potentially harmful components; and


    (C) do not endorse the satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy, non-infringement, compatibility, security, timeliness or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other material or database displayed, uploaded or distributed via 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, including content uploaded by other people, advertisements, publicity or any other information of other people that you obtain via your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (“Third Party Information”). You acknowledge that all Third Party Information is uploaded and provided by third parties and we make no undertakings, warranties or representations regarding any rights thereof and assumes no responsibility for any consequences resulting from your use of such Third Party Information. You use such Third Party Information at your own risk and must judge the authenticity thereof by yourself and take precautions against any possible risk that might arise in connection with such Third Party Information. You might be exposed to some offensive, improper or objectionable information when using 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for such information. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, collateral, derivative or other losses and liabilities for any transaction or action in which we are not a direct party. If you wish to complain about content uploaded by other users, please contact us through our email 南宫ng·28homecs@jxhssl.com.


    6.3 You acknowledge that there are inherent risks in using Internet-based services, including data privacy and security risks. In view of the particular nature of Internet-based services, you understand and agree that we do not assume any liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, collateral, derivative or other losses or liabilities (including but not limited to losses in property, revenue, data files, personal information and other aspects or other intangible losses) that you may suffer in the course of using the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme in connection with events out of our control, including without limitation:


    (A) malfunction of or inability to operate or use 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme normally due to force majeure events such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, cyber and terrorist attacks;


    (B) interruption, delay or malfunction of or inability to operate or use 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme caused by viruses, trojans, other malicious programs, hacker attacks, technical adjustments or malfunctions by telecommunication operators and Internet providers, system maintenance or any other reason beyond our control;


    (C) interruption, termination, delay or malfunction of or inability to operate or use 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme caused by changes in applicable laws and regulations, orders and rulings of judicial, administrative, and other authorities;


    (D) interruption, delay or malfunction of or inability to operate or use 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme due to internet connectivity issues; or


    (E) losses or liabilities you may suffer due to your unlawful or improper use of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme or any breach of these Terms by you.


    7. Limitation of Liability


    7.1 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; liability for damages caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence; or any breach of the obligations implied by applicable consumer protection laws.


    7.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law and subject to clause 7.1, in the event that we incur any liability in connection with these Terms, the operation of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme and such liability is not otherwise limited or excluded by these Terms, our liability will be limited to reasonably foreseeable damages.


    7.3 Subject to clause 7.1, our overall and aggregate liability to you in connection with your use of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme will be limited to (where relevant) US$10.00 or an equivalent sum in the currency of the country in which you are based.


    7.4 If we fail to comply with these Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a reasonably foreseeable result of our breaking these Terms or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we will not be liable for any losses that are not reasonably foreseeable. Loss or damage is reasonably foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time you accepted these Terms, both we and you knew it might happen.


    7.5 Subject to clause 7.1, you will indemnify and keep indemnified 南宫ng·28, its officers, employees, agents, licensors or other third party providers from and against all losses and liabilities for which any of them may become liable and against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims or demands of any nature whatsoever which may be asserted, taken or made against any of them, or which any of them may incur or which may arise directly or indirectly in connection with your breach of law, your breach of these Terms or any acts or omissions you commit in using 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme that are not permitted by these Terms. This means that you will be liable to reimburse us on a dollar-for-dollar basis for losses and liabilities that we suffer because of your use or misuse of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (even if you did not authorise that use or misuse).


    7.6 You acknowledge that the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is intended for domestic and private use and we will not be responsible for indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of income, revenue, profits, business or business opportunity, business interruption, or any loss of data or corruption of data in connection with your use of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme.


    7.7 Without limiting clause 7.5, if you breach these Terms and to the extent permitted by law, you will be liable to 南宫ng·28, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, and licensors for any claim arising out of your breach. You will also be liable for any action taken by 南宫ng·28 as part of its investigation of a suspected violation of these Terms, or as a result of its findings or decision that a violation of these Terms has occurred.


    7.8 To the extent you have a lawful basis for making any claim against us in relation to these Terms, the operation of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (including for alleged breach by us of these Terms), you agree that your exclusive remedy is limited to recovering from us direct losses you suffer. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage that is indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive. This limitation of liability applies to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.


    7.9 We are not liable to you for:


    (A) any acts or omissions we make in accordance with any requests made by you; or


    (B) any acts or omission we make (including disclosure of any information relating to you or your use of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme) where such act or omission is required or permitted by applicable law or regulations, orders, rulings or requests of judicial, administrative, and other authorities.


    8. Termination of Services


    8.1 You understand and agree that we have the right to terminate the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (or any part of it) temporarily or permanently based on our operational policies and subject to the applicable laws at any time, or for any of the reasons set out in these Terms. We will endeavour to promptly notify you about the suspension or termination of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme according to applicable law, including by general notice on our websites and platforms. We recommend that you pay close attention to our websites and platforms for any notices, promptly backup your information and messages held or accessed via 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme and retrieve anything belonging to you held or accessed via 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme as necessary. We will not be liable to you to the extent you fail to take necessary measures to protect your information and properties held or accessed via 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme.


    8.2 We may also terminate or suspend your membership of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme (at our sole discretion) in the following circumstances (without liability whatsoever to you):


    (A) any breach by you of these Terms or any other terms and conditions relating to our services and products which are referenced in these Terms;


    (B) if required by applicable law, regulation or government action or if requested by law enforcement, a judicial body or other government agency;


    (C) due to technical or security issues or problems beyond our control;


    (D) any unlawful or fraudulent activity on your behalf;


    (E) if we decide to discontinue 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme or replace it with an alternative programme; and/or


    (F) for any other reason with 30 days’ prior notice subject to the applicable law.


    Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, termination will not affect rights, obligations and liabilities accrued before the date of termination.


    8.3 Your membership of the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme is linked to your 南宫ng·28 Account. If you deactivate your 南宫ng·28 Account or if your 南宫ng·28 Account is otherwise suspended or terminated, you will lose access to the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, your reward points and benefits entitlements earned under the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme reward points shall not be merged or combined to any other product.and all data that were accessed, stored or otherwise used in connection with your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme prior to termination. After expiry of the offer period or earlier termination of the membership either by you or 南宫ng·28, the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme reward points shall not be exchanged, encashed, refunded, replaced or transferred and shall have no residual or monetary value. This action may not be reversible. To the extent permitted by applicable law, fees paid by you on your 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme membership prior to termination are also non-refundable (including any fees paid in advance for subscriptions) if you choose to terminate for your own convenience. Termination for your own convenience will not relieve you of the liability to pay any accrued obligations you owe to us (including payment of any fees or charges due to us) prior to termination.


    9. Tax


    9.1 You are responsible for the payment of all applicable taxes which may result you’re your participation in the 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme.


    10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction


    10.1 These Terms are governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (excluding the laws of Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan) (“China”), except as otherwise provided by any applicable mandatory law in your jurisdiction, in which case the governing law in relation to all or particular rights and obligations of the parties shall be the laws of your usual place of residence.


    10.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, in the event of a dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, 南宫ng·28 and you (“USER”) shall attempt, promptly and in good faith, to resolve any such dispute. In the event that no resolution can be concluded within 30 days from the date when such dispute has first been raised by either party, either party shall have the right to submit the dispute (which may be contractual or non-contractual) to the competent courts of China as the exclusive dispute resolution venue, unless applicable mandatory consumer protection laws in your jurisdiction provide you with an inalienable right for consideration of the dispute in your local jurisdiction and venue or otherwise prohibit you from consenting to such jurisdiction, in which case the courts of your usual place of residence will apply to such disputes related to these Terms. This does not affect your right to start proceedings to protect your legal position.


    10.3 If you are a citizen of any European Union country, after providing a prior written request to 南宫ng·28, you may also submit any claim on the dispute resolution platform on the European Commission website at: http://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/consumers/resolve-your-consumer-complaint_en. The European Commission will forward your claim to the notified competent national mediators.


    11. Language


    11.1 Any translation of these Terms is done for local requirements or convenience and in the event of any inconsistency between the English and any non-English version, the English version of these Terms shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction.


    12. Contacting us


    If you would like further information on the collection, use, disclosure, transfer or processing of your personal data or the exercise of any of the rights listed above, please contact us as specified below.


    For residents in EEA, our representative in the European Union is 南宫ng·28 Europe, which has its offices at 9-15 rue Rouget de L'Isle- 92130 Issy- Les-Moulineaux, France. Please contact us by privacy_dpo@jxhssl.com.


    · For users in India, our Grievance Officer in India is Mr. Sudhansu Sahu and can be reached at privacyqueryindia@jxhssl.com.


    · For users in the United States, 南宫ng·28 subsidiaries are TTE Technology, Inc. and TCT Mobile Inc. whose related addresses and contacts are indicated below:


    TTE Technology, Inc. (for 南宫ng·28 TV and service)

    1860 Compton Ave. Corona

    CA 92881

    Contact us by sending an email at consumerdata@jxhssl.com, or by calling our toll-free

    number at 1-877-300-8837


    TCT Mobile, Inc. (for 南宫ng·28 mobile phone/tablets/wearable device and service)

    25 Edelman, suite 250

    Irvine, CA 92618

    Contact us by sending an email at privacy.na@jxhssl.com, or by calling our toll-free number at 1-855-368-0829


    For users in China and other regions of the world, the data controller is Shenzhen 南宫ng·28 New Technology Co., Ltd, with its address at 9F Building D4, International E-City, No. 1001 Zhongshanyuan Road, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.


    · For more information about contacting 南宫ng·28, please see the contact us.>>


    13. Miscellaneous


    13.1 If any of the provisions of these Terms are held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, such provisions shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary and replaced with a valid provision that best embodies the intent of these Terms, so that these shall remain in full force and effect.


    These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and 南宫ng·28 with regard to your use of 南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme, and any and all other written or oral agreements or understandings previously existing between you and 南宫ng·28 with respect to such use are hereby superseded and cancelled.


    In no event 南宫ng·28 shall be responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or special damages, lost revenues, lost saving or lost profits or any damages suffered by you (“USER”) whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected under this “南宫ng·28 Loyalty Programme”.