• 南宫ng·28(中国)官方入口

    How can I silence the ringtone of an incoming call
    There』re several ways to silence the ringer before answering a call.
    Method 1: Press the Volume Down/Up or Power button on the side of your device.
    Method 2:Go to menu -> 「Settings」 -> 「Button & gestures」-> 「Gestures」-> 「Flip to mute」-> activate 「Mute incoming call」. You can then mute incoming calls by turning the phone over when a call is being received
    Method 3: Go to menu -> 「Settings」 -> 「Sound & vibration」-> activate 「Silent mode」.
    Method 4: Drag the Status Bar down with your finger and then touch the 「Sound」 icon to change to 「Vibrate」 or 「Mute」.
    Method 5: Go to 「phone」 app ->touch top right corner then enter 「Settings」 -> 「Flip to silence」-> activate 「Flip to silence」. You can then mute incoming calls by turning the phone over when a call is being received
    Note: Press the 「power」 key and 「volume up」 key at the same time to switch to vibration mode quickly.