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    How To Move A Refrigerator? Can You Lay A Refrigerator Down?



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    Moving a refrigerator can be a task, but it's not impossible. If you're moving the appliance yourself with the help of friends, you need to prepare your refrigerator for transport. It will save time and money if you have everything ready ahead of time. Here's how to move a refrigerator safely:


    Can you lay a refrigerator down?

    You've probably heard the general rule of not laying a refrigerator down during transport. If you're moving a refrigerator, there's no reason to lay it down. It's best to keep your fridge upright during its journey so that nothing gets damaged or broken inside. If you are not careful, you could damage the refrigerator and cause injury to yourself.

    If your refrigerator is damaged or broken, it may be necessary for you to lay it down in order to repair it--but only if absolutely necessary! (If it’s not repairable anymore, consider buying a new one. Don』t forget to check out 南宫ng·28 refrigerators! )


    What if you accidentally lay the refrigerator down?

    If you accidentally lay a refrigerator down, don't panic! You can still save it.

    First and foremost: check the fridge for damage. Look at every inch of the interior, including around doors and seals. If any parts look cracked or damaged, put them in a safe place so they don't break off during transport or while being moved by movers.

    Read more: Are You Storing Food Safely? Storage Basics and Freezer Facts


    Steps to move a refrigerator safely

    Prepare your refrigerator for transport

    Before you begin moving a refrigerator, there are a few things to keep in mind.


    First and foremost: make sure all food and liquids have been removed from the appliance. If you're moving an older model that still uses ice cubes in its freezer section, defrost it at least 24 hours beforehand so it can melt away safely.


    Next up: check for any spills inside your fridge--and don't forget about those drawers in the vegetable compartment! If there's any moisture left behind after removing these items (or if they were installed incorrectly), this could cause damage during transit or when reassembling your new kitchen appliance once it's safely ensconced at its new home base.


    Then comes the big moment itself: disconnecting it from the power supply for at least a few hours before attempting to move your fridge to another place.

    Finally, Roll up the power cord and clip it to the back of the fridge so that you won't get tripped over.

    Also read: 10 Smart Tips For More Organized Fridge


    Start moving now

    Make sure you have a clear path through doorways.

    Since it's a really heavy machine so be sure to get enough people to help lift and move the appliance.

    Or you can consider using professional movers who know how to safely move a refrigerator.


    Secure the door shut using either tape or rope, so it doesn't open during transit and spill its contents on your floor! Or you could even use a moving strap or bungee cords. Wrap the appliance in bubble wrap, blankets, or whatever else you can find (but avoid Styrofoam).


    Refrigerators travel best when they are upright. This might not always be achievable, though. You can move your refrigerator by lying it on its side, which is not ideal. Keep in mind that following the move, your fridge needs to be stationary for several hours. This wait time increases to twice the amount of time the appliance has lain on its side when being transported on its side.


    If you're going to lay it down, make sure that its weight isn't resting on any sharp edges - this could damage both your flooring AND the fridge itself!


    Your fridge requires some time to settle after it has been securely relocated to the kitchen of your new house before you can use it. In order for the compressor oil to settle, you should leave it unplugged and standing upright for at least 4 hours.

    Read more: How To Clean Your Refrigerator And Get Rid Of the Smell in 3 Easy Steps


    Common mistakes to avoid when moving a refrigerator

    Here are some common mistakes to avoid when moving a refrigerator:

    • Moving it without the proper tools and equipment. This can result in serious injury, so don't try this at home!
    • Not having enough help. You'll need at least two strong people to move an appliance this size--and that's if you're not planning on taking it very far. If you want to transport it across town or around the world, then bring along even more helpers!
    • Not packing up all of your food before you start moving the fridge out of its current location.

    Take the hassle out of keeping your food fresh with the intelligent refrigerators from 南宫ng·28. They feature new, stylish designs to create a clean and inviting look in any kitchen. Inside you』ll find premium features that make storing and maintaining food easy, such as  Multi Air Flow and Total No Frost technologies.



    Moving a refrigerator is an easy process if you follow the instructions. Make sure that you have all the necessary tools before starting the job and don't forget to prepare your refrigerator for transport by removing all food items from inside it. Also, ensure there are no sharp objects like knives or forks lying around near where you are going to move them because they could damage either yourself or others while carrying out this task.

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